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$15.00 /mo.
Dentist Search
Dental Value Plan C550
Plan Type DHMO
Dentist Search
$15.00 /mo.
Plan Highlights up
  • Preventive services are 100% covered after a $10 office visit co-payment
  • Most other common dental procedures are covered for a fixed co-payment, so there are no hidden costs
  • Specialist services may be discounted at 25% off normal fees
  • For any procedure not specifically listed, you may receive a discount off the dentist’s normal fees
  • No deductibles
  • No claims to file
  • No waiting periods
  • No benefit maximums

Under our C Series DHMO plans, you must select a primary dentist from the Humana DHMO network. Your primary dentist will provide all your routine dental care. When you visit your primary care dentist, simply present your Humana identification card. You may be required to pay a co-payment for some services provided by your primary care dentist. If the dental services provided are not listed as covered procedures under the plans. Discounts may be available.

Should you require the services of a specialist, you can choose any in-network specialist under the Humana DHMO plan. All in-network specialists have agreed to provide Humana members a 25% discount for all procedures.

The co-payments or discounted charges are billed at the time of service and will be the full portion of your cost for dental services, so there are no claim forms to file. You pay your dentist directly, if applicable.

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Humana Specialty Benefits
P.O. Box 14283
Lexington, KY 40512-4283
Disclaimers & Disclosures

This website provides a very brief description of some of the important features of this plan. It is not the insurance contract, nor does it represent the insurance contract. A full description of benefits, exclusions and limitations is contained in the Schedule of Benefits and your policy.

Rates shown are based upon the information you provided, and are subject to change based on the dental and/or vision plan's underwriting practices and your selection of available optional benefits, if any. Final rates and effective dates are subject to underwriting and are always determined by the dental insurance and/or vision insurance company. To be considered for reimbursement, expenses must qualify as covered expenses.

This site was designed to provide you with a general description of the plans you requested. Keep in mind that it does not include all the benefits and limitations outlined in the policies -- it is the insurance contract, not the general descriptions on this website, which forms the contract between you and the insurance company. is paid by the Insurance Company we represent. We earn commissions for each policy we sell. The commission rates vary by Insurance Company and may increase based on sales volume. There may also be a bonus or incentive. For more information on a purchased plan or plan quoted to you, please reach out through our contact us page. Inc, its suppliers or any third parties named in this site are not liable for any damages that result from using, or inability to use, the website and material listed within it, whether based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory and whether or not Inc is advised of the possibility of such damages. This includes, but is not limited to, incidental and consequential damages, lost profits or damages resulting from lost data or business interruptions.

The use of the website and its material, some of it supplied by third parties, is at your own risk. Although we strive to provide the most current and complete information on this website, we make no representations about the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the material found here. Please note that updates are made periodically to the website and we reserve the right to make them at any time.

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